Author: Emma Chapman,Hair,Style,

How to style flat iron curls 1Emma has really fine hair, and it doesn't keep curl very easily. She has always had very straight hair, even when we were little girls. Our sister-in-law, Sarah, showed us a new technique for curling this type of hair. This simple technique gave Emma the curliest hair she's ever had. Enjoy! 

How to style flat iron curls steps1. Roll small strands of hair around your finger and pin to your scalp. 2. Continue until you have pinned all your hair up. 3. Use a flat iron to press each roll flat. 4. Unpin the rolls. As you're unpinning, if you notice that you forgot to press one, simply pin it back up and press before letting it out again. 5. Use your flat iron to finish curling the tips. Spritz on a little hair spray, and you're done!

How to style flat iron curls 2Sarah did this technique on Emma's hair early in the day, and it lasted the whole day! Even if you don't have fine hair, this is a fun and unique way to curl your hair because it creates a different look than using a curling iron. 

How to style flat iron curls 3
How to style flat iron curls 4


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