Author: Rachel Denbow,Budget: $$,Crafts,D.I.Y. Fashion,D.I.Y. Project,One Day Project,Project ReStyle,Sewing,Style,

IMG_9569aI bought a wool poncho this winter thinking I could pull it off. I loved the pattern, the neutral colors, and the price but it just wasn't working for me. Not one to give up so easily I decided to showcase the pattern by turning it into something practical for my home.IMG_9571aSupplies: 1  poncho, 1 woven belt (subst. leather for a different look), sewing machine, ruler, straight pins, scissors. One: Fold your poncho in half with the head hole at the top. Measure out about 3" from each side of the head hole and cut. If the bottom edge is really long, measure about 15" down from the top edge and cut across. My bottom edge was just right so I didn't need to cut it. Two: Starting from the top left corner, stitch down, across, and back up to the other corner. Back-stitch at the start and stop to secure. I used a zig-zag stitch because I liked the look of it and to help my sides from unraveling too much. Pull any excess string out for frayed edges. Three: Cut a 14" length from your belt for your catch all strap. Pin it to the outside of the back so that the ends are centered about 3" from each other. If you spread them too wide your catch all will hang funny. Four: Stitch across each end at the bottom of your strap end and again about 1" up.

Hang it on your bedroom door to corral magazines, catalogs, etc. or add another strap to make a tote. It's an easy way to re purpose something with a great design and is simple enough for beginning sewers. -Rachel


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